30 April 2009


I finished the pincushion/thread catcher this morning! I ironed the top edge of the bag at home this morning, although I don't think the interfacing is stuck on all the way round, but it doesn't really matter because I sewed the edges down, so it should be secure. 

I took the project to work with me, since all I had to do was sew on the Velcro circles. I'd already sewn on a couple of circles on the bag straps, so I decided to add two more, instead of removing the first two circles and sew on lengths of strip Velcro! What a pain! Literally! I've got a numb thumb and forefinger from pushing and pulling the needle through the plastic Velcro circles!

I'm very happy with the end result. Here's a pic.

29 April 2009

Been busy today.  I've finished the bag for the pincushion/thread catcher.  All I have to do now is iron the top, to stick on the double-sided interfacing, and add the strips of Velcro to the straps - or two more Velcro circles.  

I also re-stitched narrower seams on the patchwork bag, and ripped out the first seam. The proportions look better now.  

16 April 2009

Pincushion/Thread Catcher

OK, took another day off today, but ... instead of going on with the patchwork block bag I started yet another project!  

I embroidered a simple flower ring design on the pincushion, and finished the cushion half of the project.  Hopefully (if I don't start something else!) I can get the thread catcher part done at the weekend.  

I found the tutorial for this project at kquilts-studio.com  The instructions are very clear.

15 April 2009

Patchwork Block Bag - Day 2

I took the day off today, and went on with the patchwork.  I added a cream frame round the patch, and then attached it to the bag parts. I cut one long piece, to start at the back handle and up to the front to end at the bottom of the block.  I cut another piece for the top, and I stitched that to the top edge of the block, plus two bits for the sides.  

I'm trying to decide whether to quilt the block or leave it as it is, and just add a cream fabric lining.

14 April 2009

Right Hand of Friendship Quilt Block

Oh, what a difference a day makes!  I spent the day stitching this quilt block.  I got the pattern from quilterscache.com - they have LOADS!  This block's called Right Hand of Friendship.  It went together really easily, although it took me about 6 hours to sew up. I now plan to make it into a bag, using the gingham in the background to make the actual bag.  Now, I don't quite know how to go about making the bag up, but never mind, I'll figure it out.  More picture/s to follow ...

The patchwork block is paper pieced.  I much prefer this method to sewing seams.  

13 April 2009

What a waste of a long weekend!  After our Craft Day on Saturday I only did a bit more of the stitchery and nothing else.  I had so many plans ...  And maybe that's the problem, I have such a looooong To Do List that I don't know where to start!

12 April 2009

Craft Day ...

Saturday 11 April 2009

We had a Craft Day at Angelique's today.  Ang and I traced the embroidery pattern for the patchwork sewing bag, and did some of the stitching.  Mum brought her crochet, but spent half the time asleep on the sofa!  She's making a cushion for me, and she's now finished all the squares for the front and started sewing them together.  She's going to crochet a plain back.  

We're using an e-pattern from stitchingcow.com.  The bag has two sides, with two separate embroidered, patched panels, but we've decided to do one pocket only.  This way we might have a change of finishing it!

09 April 2009

Cross Stitched Storage Box

We finished work at 12.00 pm today, and because I knew I wouldn't have any work to do, I thought I'd put a little kit together to keep me occupied.  I've had a little storage box from Framecraft for ages, but couldn't find the right design to stitch for the lid.  I finally found a free chart yesterday, and took part of it to stitch.  Because the box is meant to hold a pair of embroidery scissors and needles ... well, the design couldn't be better!

The finished stitching.  It only took 2 hrs to cross stitch, but it kept me occupied for most of the morning.  

The interior of the box.  The inside of the base had a deep scratch in the wood, so I took a piece of dolls house carpeting (!) and covered it up.  I added some wadding to the back of the cross stitch, the magnet which came with the box, and the piece of green baize they provided.  

Soon as I got home (after the dentist) I washed the cross stitch with Treasure Wash, and iron dried it, cut it out and mounted it in the box lid.  I'm very happy with how it turned out.  I'm determined to make stuff this year, and finish some of my old projects too.  This is only one of the things on my To Do list, I've got plenty more to get on with. Not to mention all the new things I keep adding to the list!