09 April 2009

Cross Stitched Storage Box

We finished work at 12.00 pm today, and because I knew I wouldn't have any work to do, I thought I'd put a little kit together to keep me occupied.  I've had a little storage box from Framecraft for ages, but couldn't find the right design to stitch for the lid.  I finally found a free chart yesterday, and took part of it to stitch.  Because the box is meant to hold a pair of embroidery scissors and needles ... well, the design couldn't be better!

The finished stitching.  It only took 2 hrs to cross stitch, but it kept me occupied for most of the morning.  

The interior of the box.  The inside of the base had a deep scratch in the wood, so I took a piece of dolls house carpeting (!) and covered it up.  I added some wadding to the back of the cross stitch, the magnet which came with the box, and the piece of green baize they provided.  

Soon as I got home (after the dentist) I washed the cross stitch with Treasure Wash, and iron dried it, cut it out and mounted it in the box lid.  I'm very happy with how it turned out.  I'm determined to make stuff this year, and finish some of my old projects too.  This is only one of the things on my To Do list, I've got plenty more to get on with. Not to mention all the new things I keep adding to the list!


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